
The arts team:

Please click on the name to read a short profile.

Dr. Barbara Lüneburg – project leader, research, composition and violin
Lia – art work for the „what if?“ social media sites, visual advisor
Damian Stewart – software programming and audio art

The research team:

Dr. Barbara Lüneburg – artistic research
Clio Montrey – social media strategist
Kai Ginkel– junior researcher


Barbara Lueneburg, reseacher, violin, composer

Barbara Lüneburg © Mihai Cucu

Projectleader Dr. Barbara Lüneburg (D/AT) is a performing artist of international reputation in the fields of contemporary music, violin, viola, electric violin and multimedia. Her arts based research focuses on the creative potential of performance practice in new music with an emphasis on collaboration, creativity, relation performer-audience and charisma (trait approach, as a social process, dramaturgical approach and theatrical perspective). For her doctoral studies at Brunel University London, she explored theories from media sciences and music sociology as well as psychology and creativity research for their uses in arts practice. She built theoretical concepts usable in performance and art (coding), applied the process of theoretical sampling and drew comparisons between performance situations in different countries, continents and socio-cultural contexts applying the steps of Grounded Theory.
In the current project she will continue her research on collaboration and performer-audience relation. In Barbara Lüneburg’s function as artistic director and manager of ensemble Intégrales (from 1997-2012), an internationally performing chamber music group for contemporary music, she has gained invaluable experience in management, acquisition of funding, PR and leadership, which will come to the benefit of this project. Additionally Lüneburg teaches at the (partner) Universities of Applied Sciences St.Pölten (AT) and Darmstadt (D) in the department of sound and media technology. Some students of hers have had appearances at international festivals.

LIA visual artist

Lia visual artist

The Austrian artist LIA – one of the early pioneers of Software and Net Art – has been creating digital art, installations and sound works since 1995. Her Internet works combine various traditions of drawing and painting with the aesthetic of digital images and algorithms. They are characterized by a minimalist quality, and by an affinity with conceptual art. She regularly works interdisciplinary and collaborates with composers and performers. She has a teaching position at the University of Applied Science in Graz.



Damian Stewart, ARS ELECTRONICA 2008

Damian Stewart © Ars Electronica 2008

Damian Stewart (NZ/A) is a highly qualified programmer and artist working with light, sound, and technology. As Sound Section Leader in the openFrameworks project he helped to actively develop openFrameworks „an open source C++ toolkit designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation“. (openFrameworks 2013) Damian’s recent art work includes installations, light performances, and environment sonification pieces. His diverse background encompasses studies in electroacoustic music, interior architecture, and computer science. He is a professional software programmer for interactive museum installations as much as PlayStation2 games. As member of the New Interfaces for Performance (N.I.P.) collective, he has performed internationally alongside artists including Biosphere and Deadbeat, and collaborated on
many international projects. Damian’s vast expertise in programming and at the same time experience in the arts makes him an ideal partner for the development Augmented Reality application for an arts project.

Clio Montrey

Clio Montrey © Amir Safari

Clio Montrey (CAN/PL/AT) is a composer, mezzo-soprano, and social media professional working across various genres. Having already managed social media channels for several arts organizations, she has developed a particular affinity for multimedia projects. The recipient of several musical awards and distinctions, Clio received three grants from the Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK), Austria for her creative work. A graduate of both composition (BMus McGill, MA Konservatorium Wien, Postgrad. MDW) and performance programs (Dipl. Konservatorium Wien), Clio is a versatile composer-performer who often interprets the pieces she creates. In addition to her work in the contemporary classical field, Clio is a dedicated singer-songwriter, exploring the folk music approach to creativity and allowing this to intersect with her more formal path. Her main interest in social media is the facilitation of online forums for expressing creativity.


kaiKai Ginkel (DE/AT) is a sociologist specializing in qualitative methods. Having finished the postgraduate programme Sociology of Social Practices at the Institute of Advanced Studies (Vienna) in 2015, his recent research for his doctoral thesis at the University of Eichstätt has been all about a praxeological perspective on sound, i.e. the various ways in which sound and music are being not only heard, but felt, collectively negotiated, and embodied, developing his analyses through means of participant observation in the field of Noise music. Before his academic work, Kai used to be a writer for German music magazine Spex. In addition, Kai also is a musician in the field of experimental electronic music, releasing records and playing occasional live performances under the Phirnis moniker.